Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Relax, it's Queensland

   Greetings dear reader,

We arrived safely in Bundy airport yesterday (Monday) and walked with great anticipation to the Jabiru factory. Let's put this in perspective - the factory is actually right beside the Bundy airport runway. What did we see? A fully exposed Jabi getting lots of hands-on attention from factory staff. Will Jabi be ready for us to go to Charleville on Wednesday was our immediate question? Relax, it's Queensland.
We had a very interesting day at the Jabiru factory - no assembly line here. Each Jabi is carefully constructed, piece by piece, by skilfull and clearly interested craftsman.  We had an inspiring and insightful conversation with Rodney Stiff, the founder and one might say "father of Jabiru."

The birth of Jabis

Jabi relaxing under a coolabah
tree after a successful test flight

We did consider a liquid lunch
Just to pretend life is not ALL about Jabi, we stopped in at the Bundy rum factory and took a drive out to Bargara for a Bundy ginger beer on the beach. And topped the day off with dinner at the Bundy RSL...now that was a local experience.
So how are things going mate?
 Today, is test day. A few orientation flights for Vasant and if the Jabi boys get it together on time, possibly an inaugural flight to Fraser Island and Hervey Bay for Vasant and me. But it's all Insha'Allah on this trip.

Until the next post

The Travelling Nabateans

1 comment:

Kate said...

Great post. The adventure is really on its way now - pleased to see Vasant looking over the Jabi with a watchful eye. May the weather be with you.....

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